Just here to keep in touch with whatever's left of the Communtiy what with this annoying, plodding move we're having. A new blog entry will likely be going up tomorrow sometime, regarding a super-cool LAN party writeup I attended a little while ago. Here's a snippet/the first match:
Game 1 was a Team Deathmatch match, and as such, here were the teams (yes, uneven, but truth be told we all thought the best players were on Blue team when we picked them). This was also mainly a warmup match.
Blue Team
Hi - Truth be told this wasn't the "resident black kid's" name for this particular match, but I remember that it was for the other two. Getting too old apparently.
Candyman0178 - My cousin, arch Halo 2 rival, and now the second best player I know.
jim - A decent player that got a couple killing sprees, but needs more than a little work to fight with the big guys.
Red Team
Caboose - Yes, that's me, and yes, it's a Red vs Blue reference. Ha-ha. My skills in this match progressively improved to the total pwnage that was the other two matches, despite starting out slow.
Default - Yeah, we didn't want to take the time to come up with another profile. So this guy was stuck with the default, "Default" player name. Despite the unorginal name, he pushed really well throughout the matches. Easily the third best player, who threw in some surprises.
Monkey - In the game, Bungie made it so, if you have two or more people attempting to be the "Default" player, random Bungie-created names fill in, in place of Default. This was one of those cases. Good player throughout.
Cam - This long haired dude was a pro bowler - competing in competitions across the state, but being good at throwing balls doesn't necessarily translate to a good Halo 2 player. Though all-in-all, he wasn't that bad.
Game 1: Team Slayer, First to 100
Coagulation, Random Weapons
Game Duration: 1 hr, 03 min.
General Tone: I hate vehicles.
We started off on everyone's favorite box canyon, Coagulation. Teams were uneven because the number of players was uneven, but no one really complained, as the general thought was that Blue Team was going to take this hands down, since they had my cousin. Boy were they (and I) wrong.
Starting off at red base, me, Cam, and Monkey stuck together for about the first three seconds until one went for the Banshee down below, the other for the Ghost, and I was stuck wondering where everyone else was. Also of note was that Default was nowhere to be seen -- being spawned a considerable distance ahead of the rest of us, near the rockslide area. Being totally alone, and having spawned with a Brute Shot and a pistol (darn you random weapons!), I hurriedly made my way up the ramp to the awaiting sniper rifle atop the base. Taking aim I saw nothing more than a few team member signs, and the occassional plasma cannon burst from a Ghost.
But, ever vigilante, I waited. And it paid off. Spotting a pitched battle between two opponents, both jim and CandyMan, against a lone Monkey, I sighted carefully at the strongest player. Two shots later, my cousin's dead Elite corpse was lying the bloodstained dirt below. Unfortunately, my courages effort of trying to help out Monkey was of no use -- finishing CandyMan's kill, jim took down my team mate with a Battle Rifle, then moving out of my range, below the hills.
A little sniping later I was confronted with an enemy Banshee piloted by none other than CandyMan. One of my problems with Halo 2 is the fact that, unless you have the Rocket Launcher, you're pretty much screwed when confronted with a Banshee. They're fast, manueverable, and can somehow shrug off superheated plasma and armor piercing rounds like BBs. Hijacking is also usually never an option either unless the player decides to ram you. In this case, he didn't, and quickly killed me with the dual plasma cannons while I was attempting to make a run for it with a Ghost.
After respawning, I totally ditched the sniping strategy atop the base, now opting for a more offensive, faceplate-to-faceplate approach. Now equiped with my favorite weapon for multiplayer, the BR (you can thank MLG for that), I made my way across the map, and encountered what I know all of you have encountered before -- a pitched battle between multiple opponents in the middle of the map, in between hills. Default and Cam were nearby, taking it to jim, but fast approaching was CandyMan in a Wraith. After doing what I call a "Headshot Brush" on jim, I backed away from the battlefield, knowing of the impending Wraith attack. At this point in the game, I was focused more on kills, and not commanding the team, which was a mistake I made up until near the end. So, while I backed away, Default and Cam where assaulted first by a Ghost, then by CandyMan in the Wraith. Needless to say, they were blown to bits, although Cam somehow managed to jack the Ghost, he was quickly taken down by a blast from the Wraith. Luckily, my second random weapon was the Rocket Launcher, and with my hidden position in the rockslide area, I wasn't even seen as I pumped two rockets into the rampaging Wraith.
After dying a couple other times (surprise, surprise), I spotted two members of Blue Team just spawning near blue base through my HUD's scope. I quickly coordinated with my other team members in the room, shouting out positions, and taking potshots with my Beam Rifle. We all gathered around blue base, and a heated battle ensued. Literally everyone was there, except for Cam, who left for drinks. So it was finally even. I took down Hi with a plasma pistol blast, and a no-scope Beam Rifle shot from medium range, while Monkey scored a kill with the sword, and Default was blasted into the air from a rocket from CandyMan. A few kills later I saw my opening. The score was at 98 for Red Team, and I knew I would get the last kill. Picking up Default's BR, I did another "Headshot Brush" across jim, taking down his shield, and then him in little over 4 bursts. CandyMan, our last kill needed, was moving toward the rocks in front of blue base, but luckily my respawned teammates would fall right into him. Shooting from long distance at what would be our last kill of the match, I slowly chipped away at his shield, but I ran out of ammo. Luckily, Cam was back and with a vengeance, scoring the final kill of the match with a measly SMG.
Red Team Wins -- 100 to 83 ___________________________________
This is just a snippet of the first part of the writeup that'll appear on the Blog. Keep checking the site for more updates concerning the Blog! A quick note is that you can expect to see another next month, as we'll be having another at a birthday party. Yay for me!