Yes, Major. Do these things, but do them more often. I say the last big publicity stint we got was when HBO announced our redesigned site coming back online. HBO is probably the key to success. We have to do something to get on their front page.... I wish our Article-a-Day thing got on. I'll post some stuff on the Bungie and HBO boards. Maybe some people will come and look. Hmmm. We need to up article production. Give 'em something to read.
"Opportunity once forsaken is opportunity lost forever." -Major Caldwell
Also you should make sure to use the Megaphone service which is provided to you via your hosting interface. It posts your news on different places around the IGN Network, for example all across the new ForumPlanet system which is currently being rolled out.
You should also contact me when you update the site so I can promote it via Planet Halo's main site.
Michael "Fluffaluffer" Karlsson | Planet Halo Site Director
Yes, Major. Do these things, but do them more often. I say the last big publicity stint we got was when HBO announced our redesigned site coming back online. HBO is probably the key to success. We have to do something to get on their front page.... I wish our Article-a-Day thing got on. I'll post some stuff on the Bungie and HBO boards. Maybe some people will come and look. Hmmm. We need to up article production. Give 'em something to read.
Steve, we've got a bad history with the promoting of this site. Suffice to say, promoting our articles via HBO is not the best route. Trust me, it just doesn't work for us.
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes