they are full size replica's, weigh about 8 pounds each, and carry about 300 rounds in their magazines, semi and full auto. battery for the F2000 is in the stock, G-36 is in the barrel. 350 FPS :) -- Edited by Roland at 13:59, 2007-06-06
I gotz me a P90 and Barreta 9mm. The former was a bad purchase; it fires them pretty weak, and is extremely innacurate. But the latter is just the opposite: hurts like a mother and can hit anything with ease up to about twenty or thirty yards. Anything after that is just guess work -- fire and adjust accordingly.
One downside is it needs ****ed before each shot. Can be a pain.
Edit: Something else that's a pain.. evidently we have a language filter on now. By c,o,c,k,e,d, I meant "put a round in the chamber". But, whatever.
the g-36 fires hard enough that i cannot see the rounds in flight, in fact while i was adjusting the red dot sight, i was not hitting the target at first and could not tell if the gun was actually firing rounds, so to find out i pointed at the ground and fired in fully auto, thinking that it wasn't actually spitting out rounds.
saw 8 spots where the dirt kicked up and realized it was firing, and hard enough that the BB's were going into the ground and not bouncing back up.
The F2000 doesn't fire as hard but you barely get time to see the rounds.