Due to the growing amount of spam and general chaos that seems to be sweeping through the Halo forum communities, We thought it necessary to draw up a few rules and guidelines here.
Remember: Off Topic Discussion is not for you to post whatever you want. It's for meaningful discussions of topics which do not fit in any other forum section. That means, if a thread doesn't have some sort of useful content, it will be locked or deleted.
1) This forum is for discussion among members of the UNSCDF community, it has no particular subject but that does not mean your threads should have no particular point. For example, a thread entitled "Hi" or "It's a nice day today" with similar content is going to get deleted. Please don't post stuff like this Threads like interviews, theories, announcements about something people will acutely be interested in (not your new shoes), go in the in this forum section. Please try to keep your threads pointful.
2) Off Topic Discussion isn't a place for you to come and rant about how much like/hate the newest movie, game, TV show ... what ever but make sure you keep the section of your brain that controls your common sense on.
3) The main rules of the UNSCDF still apply here, so no spamming or flaming! Although more relaxed than other forums Off Topic Discussion shouldn't be a place you go just to get your post count up or make "quote frenzy" threads keep your replies pointful and on the topic at-hand.
If your post or thread is locked or deleted, send a private message to one of the forum mods or admins to find out why. DO NOT re-post the thread or make a new thread asking why the first one was locked.
Here are some examples of the types of threads and posts we're not looking for and will be removed form the forum (this is not a comprehensive list):
(X) Requests for free XBL codes
(X) Discussions of politics or religion (nothing useful has ever come from a discussion of either of these subjects on the internet)
(X) Referal schemes ('free' Xbox/ipod/etc.)
(X) Opinions on which topics you think should or will be locked/deleted (moderators decide if a topic should be locked; your opinion carries no weight and is contentless spam)
(X) "I'm going to bed", "What time is it where you live?", "I found my Halo 2 disk", "I'm bored. Tell me something to do", "Today is my birthday" (given that HIH has 29,000 members, or 70 birthdays each day, we couldn't allow those anyway), "Can someone do my homework for me?" (No.)
(X) No topics may be created that deal with drugs, no exceptions.
Other than that, enjoy the Off Topic Discussion thread. We will update this periodically as we see issues that need addressing.
To be a great leader you must learn to take the shit of others and harden your soul with the wisdom of age, so that one day you can be the one that everyone turns to for help, support, and guidance.