Running Halo in Developer Mode can uncover some aspects of the game that funny and somtimes just wierd.
Examples (no modding done):
A playable sentinal beam on 343gs (the rocket launcher is also available to play in the level)
Mini Chief at the begining of 2B cutscene, holding a full size AR (complete with a Mini 343GS, not shown)
Heh, it seems that the "wounded" marines do exersices during cut scenes.
Only a "slight" misplacement of scenery
Sometime I need to record some of the wierd things that go on in a cut scene that you never see during normal play. Its interesting to see how they are getting the camera shots.
Example - the scene where the MC is in the escape pod at the end of PoA, you see the pod "fly by" the ring as it prepares to land on it. In reality, the pod is stationary and the "Halo" ring moves past it. Also that scene uses 3 different escape pods, the camera moves to each of them for different parts of the cutscene.
-- Edited by Fires7orm at 19:00, 2006-08-15
Murphy's Laws of Combat = You are not Rambo; Marines and fighter pilots take note.
Wow, nice stuff! Interesting thing about the escape pod - I always just assumed that it was one pod, descending toward the atmosphere. Of course, I can't check any of this stuff for myself - I'm a console Halo-ist myself. Oh, and you made front page, by the way.
I found out that the "sentinal beam" is in 343GS, Library, 2B, and Maw levels (which is also you find the sentinals). Also the flamethrower is available in Library and Keys levels.
Just for fun, I took up one of HIH's Halo campain "to do list". So, I went to see if it was possable to play the 2B level and go all the way back to the begining of AotCR.
And the result: After getting past the locked door, the level start loading without most of its graphics (bitmaps). Just walking around without running into (invisible) walls was kinda hard.
I'm not saying I completed the objective, just to see if it could be done.
-- Edited by Fires7orm at 21:57, 2006-08-25
Murphy's Laws of Combat = You are not Rambo; Marines and fighter pilots take note.
You never cease to amaze me. This is by far one of the coolest things you've done. For two reasons - 1: I thought it would be impossible to get to this location and 2: The fact that you where able to discover what levels the Sentinel Beam and the Flame-thrower are in.
Keep up the good work!
To be a great leader you must learn to take the shit of others and harden your soul with the wisdom of age, so that one day you can be the one that everyone turns to for help, support, and guidance.
Exploring again. Found some leftover stuff from the level Keys. Location: outside of the first shuttle bay (with the hole in the floor, where you jump down), just out of view.
Some Hidden/unused decal in "Boarding Action" MP level (not egg-per HBO/Bungie)
The PoA post board
Heh, I was finding all of the consol commands and came across some interesting lines:
-- Edited by Fires7orm at 12:21, 2006-09-06
-- Edited by Fires7orm at 19:12, 2006-09-09
Murphy's Laws of Combat = You are not Rambo; Marines and fighter pilots take note.
Great stuff man! I'll most certainly use the PoA Bulletin Board and the Megg images on the eggs page - Which I should have done around Sunday.
To be a great leader you must learn to take the shit of others and harden your soul with the wisdom of age, so that one day you can be the one that everyone turns to for help, support, and guidance.