Though this isn't really "Off topic", I think it's important. Somehow, we've recently (as in, a few hours ago) lost a forum member. Normally, this wouldn't be that big of a deal, but this time it is, since he, caffeinaddict, was our only non-staff, non-affiliate member. The strange thing about it is he seems to have just been deleted from the site - logs show no records of him deleting his account (can members even do that??), and I noticed CK was recently on as well. So maybe that has something to do with it. Maybe we should lighten up the place, and post more, to make it seem more lively!
NOOOOOO! They got him, anyone of us could be next! But don't worry, if we work as a team as demonstrated in this next smiley, we will be able to overcome this problem Hey look, there's a smiley called 'nirvana', that's interesting. As you can see the nirvana smiley has worshippers.