I know that Fires7orm has the ability to basically take screencaptures, but he's currently gone.. so, anyone else who can take screencaps is welcome! Why, you ask, are we asking you to help? Well, truth is, we really need them for pretty much just the Interviews. Originally, I just needed someone to capture the part at the top of EricNylund.net, since it's not an image (with Nylund's permission to do so of course). But now, I think it would be awesome to include little images of the actual site in with the interview (check around, specifically the Xbox.com interview with Louis Wu). They look great, and add a cool sense to the interview, and makes it look like you're not just scrolling through boring text.
SO, anyone with any ability to take screenshots, please email either me at majorsilva@aol.com, or the official account at unitednationsspacecommand@hotmail.com . Any help would be much appreciated! And yes, you'd get credit somehow for the help!