Yes, for the past... well, two years, between the two consoles I've gotten in that time (Xbox, Xbox 360), buying the consoles has always been left up to me, and my money. Well, next month, that may very well change with the Playstation 3.
Now, I'm not getting the thing because I "wantz teh pretey grafix!!1!", or because I really want the console itself. I'm doing it for three reasons mainly.
I will probably get to skip school on the night it is released, and the following day, since I'd be DEAD tired.
If I get it, I'll probably get to play it a little before...
We sell it on Ebay! Yes, Ebay. Remember the shortages and the huge junks of cash being paid for the 360 on Ebay last year? Well, multiply that by the even larger number of shortages with the PS3 this year, and the huge amount of hype, and you come out with most likely people paying anywhere from $8,000-$10,000 dollars on the "Electronic Bay".
I know.. it may seem kinda cruel to do this to poor Sony fanboys (heck, they "did it" to us last year though), but really it's just a win-win situation for me. If I get it, then I get the chance to play it a little (provided we choose to bundle it with a few games), miss some school, and get a 50-50 split of the cash, once it's sold. And heck, even if it doesn't sell (for whatever reason), they'll be letting me keep it for an "early Christmas gift".
So in a few weeks, I may very well be camping out at the local Wal-Mart Supercenter (luckily it's not outside -- they let you come in and camp, on benches, by the electronics section), just like I did last year for the console I actually wanted. Last year, when I was camping out, the people were so nice and excited, we all let eachother "leave the line" and walk around, stretch, go get some food, play the 360 that was there, etc. Couldn't have asked for better people to be in line with, really. Anyway, if this happens next month, I hope it's the same thing!