Seriously, back on HBO that was a good point. Story titles would be good to release. This way those who entered will know just how far they made it. I'm really excited to see if I for one have.
The semi-finalists will go up tomorrow. But here they are now so you guys can see:
1. Blood Brothers
2. Effort Cannot Conquer Faith
3. Final Confrontation
4. The Helltroopers of the Fighting First
5. Interlude
6. The Argo
7. Mombassa Attack
8. My Own Private Thermopylae
9. Team Alpha Black
10. The Armored Angel
Not too sure who did what out of those, but I hope either one of your stories made it in. And Short, I have no idea what your story title was -- so I don't know if it was disqualified, unreviewed, or "lost in transit". What was it, and did you send it to the right address?
This doesn't have to be answered anytime soon, but out of curiousity, and the hope to write better, can you, the judges, tell me what of my story was not of your liking or could be fixed? My story was "A Secret Obsession"
Mine was called, "The Heart at Voi." I submitted it only a few hours before the deadline closed, but it was still on time.
EDIT: Well, I just found out that Saint, one of the five winners, is actually a member of this site's staff. This whole thing was a joke to begin with.
I'm glad mine made it to the semi-finals, but I'm not suprised that I didn't win. I found out about the contest 5 days before it ended and rushed out my whole story. It wasn't until after I submitted it an hour before the deadline that I realized I didn't have much of an ending, which is probably why mine didn't end up near the top.
uh one out of like six of the site staff submitted one, a guy that has nothing to do with the FF contest, and not to mention the final judging isn't even being done by the site staff......yeah how is this a joke? If all 5 of the site staff were on the list for a story, maybe....but one who has nothing to do with the contest, no I don't think so.
ShortRoundMcfly wrote: Mine was called, "The Heart at Voi." I submitted it only a few hours before the deadline closed, but it was still on time.
EDIT: Well, I just found out that Saint, one of the five winners, is actually a member of this site's staff. This whole thing was a joke to begin with.
-- Edited by ShortRoundMcfly at 19:21, 2006-10-30
Yep, you are absolutely right. See, we contacted Saint three weeks before the contest ended, had him slave over a story for the next three weeks, and then told him to contact us in two weeks, so we could bring him on as a staff member. I didn't want to win a book, and I just KNOW LoneRanger didn't, so that's why we didn't enter. Would've looked suspicious anyway. Then, we payed off Eric with one of those new $10 bills and a bag of M&Ms to keep things quiet, and have someone we'd known for two weeks win a book. How did you know??
/end sarcasm
I've explained on the HBO boards as well that there was no way either Eric or the other Staff would've known it was Saint's we were reading. All authors were given a number, and Eric chose the story and number that went along with it as the top 5. He specifically asked for this from the beginning.
If your mindless bashing and "WTF!!!1!"s are done, I will take my leave.
Yes, but how do I know Saint getting into the semi-finals had nothing to do with him being staff? If I were in your shoes, I would be tempted to put one of my mates in the winner's circle.
I suppose this is all moot point anyways. Congratulations to the winners.
I can assure you that I didn't help anybody. The only identification I saw was #001, #002, #003, etc. Saint wrote a good story, and in the end was chosen as a finalist.
I'm sure it was a tough decision for Major Silva to allow Saint to continue on with his story. I contacted him a long time ago about writing a story for it, but then him and Eric convinced me (shortly before my common sense kicked in) that it would be better if neither me nor him entered.
I just hope you don't hold a grudge McFly. We just didn't recieve an E-mail from you. Whether it was a human error or a computer error isn't an issue. I'm disappointed that we never got your story. The thing I hate the most is disappointing someone, and that seems to be what happened here.
If you have some way of possibly solving the problem so that there's a failsafe (as in this kind of malfunction doesn't happen again), then you can just contact me.
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes
I've said this a zillion times, and this is the last time.
The only reason Major Silva let me keep my story in the running is because I had already written like half of it (specifically for the contest, mind you) before he ever asked me to come on staff.