Fires7orm's been working on images now, now that he's out of the whole comic thing (yes, it's progressing really well actually). And one of those images we asked him to create was an image for articles that... cannot simply get images. Articles about items or characters in the novels, graphic novels, or even the movie (pfft) will never have images, unless they are fan created. So, here's the first image he provided, in three versions.
Obviously the images will be resized as to not kill any dial-uppers' internet connection out there, but as of now, what do you think of the design? Anything the Staff and Fires7orm could change? Different images in the .gif?
All feedback is welcome since you'll be seeing this .gif all over the place in the new site's Indexes!
More are coming soon -- last I knew I think he's making images for each particular section of the site, like the ones above. Locations, Personnel, Vehicles, and of course Weapons will have an "Image Not Available" icon for each category, which will go in the Indexes. I'll probably post them here, but truth be told no one's even really talking about the current ones..