Though I've stated many times before that I do not have direct access to Xbox Live, in the case of I'll finally be enjoying online play for the first time in nearly a year. Not many people have high-speed internet access here where I live, so playing on Live was not a possibility.
That's where the Beta comes in. To shorten the message up a bit, I'll just run down the basics:
-- I have friend. He has Live. -- I have Crackdown. So I have teh Beta!
So, I've decided that starting a Halo 3 Beta "clan" for the site would be a cool little thing to do. So, anyone here interested in playing with the staff (or maybe just me :) ) put your Gamertag down here in a reply. There's only 3 weeks left from today -- only three Wednesday's left! So definitely put your GT down relatively quickly so I can make a list and we can setup the invites and everything when that time comes.
[Update]: The Gamertag we'll be playing as is: Osey007. Check the Bnet page for his stats.. yeah, they're not especially great, but with me playing, however...
Hey fellas (and lasses), figured this was the place for the Beta invs? My 'tag is Demon Haze II when / if you want to add me so i can kick you ass. :P and yeah, "matt" rules all.