I have Xbox Live. Thought it would never happen, but it has.
Gamertag: msmajorsilva (already setup via Xbox.com, so send a Friend Request whenever)
This Saturday will be the day I finally get onto Xbox Live. Sure, it's far from the first time, but it will finally be a regular thing. Mine. No longer must I mooch off friend's and cousins for some demo downloads and online gaming.
Hope to see some of you on Saturday/Sunday, before my 360 finally craps out. It died yesterday (3 Red Lights; it's my second console), but I tried some trick someone online told me and it, surprisingly, worked. I can even play games without it freezing. So now I'm not even touching the system until Saturday when the cable company is done putting in the high-speed.
From here until Saturday I'll be playing on my Xbox 1 if I actually have the urge to game a little. Maybe try some of Rockslider's stuff.
Turning on the 360 without the hard drive and leaving it run for about 15 minutes, while flashing red. Turn it off. Now turn it back on with the hard drive attached. It should work.
Did for me at least. And it still is, even after playing a DOOM demo. I don't want to push my luck though.
Well, I actually might be getting mine sooner. We're getting our basement re-done. It'll be done in like 2 weeks. Then, we're moving our HUGE television down there. I'll probably get an HDMI enabled 360 then.
"Opportunity once forsaken is opportunity lost forever." -Major Caldwell
My 360's dead. Finally. It lasted near a week though, and I was really able to enjoy playing online. So that's the good news. The bad news? I may not be playing Halo 3 until days or even weeks after it comes out.
I'll post an updated "trick" in a while. It's a pretty interesting fix that will let you keep playing while your box from Microsoft is slowly but surely making its way to your house.
Well, I just got Halo 2 Vista for my PC, but alas, since my Vista laptop is currently en-route to my possession I have only installed it on my XP computer, cracking the system and allowing it to run. Sadly, Microsuck has not released their G4W Live XP patch, so I can't play Live on my comp. However, a side-affect made me create a gamertag. I've already added you Silva and LR.