This is more for staff, but any members we actually have left can chime in as well.
I was about to edit/update the Fan Fiction and Fan Fiction Archive pages just a few minutes ago, and then it hit me. Why do it? It's true we have quite a few entries to go through still, but it's obvious to me we can't really handle it. It's just too much of a burden to update.
If we had a CMS similar to HBO's it would be simple, but we don't, so we have to hassle with an entirely new page to archive old Fiction. So, why not just do away with it all?
Now, I'm just talking about on the site. We'd leave the Fan-Fiction forum open and encourage users to submit it there. We'd highlight the submitted stories and provide links to the pages. This way we won't have to worry about archiving it all (since the forum does that, in a way), and users will still be able to read and submit fan-fic.
I think this is the best solution to the FF problem. I'll be happy, the users will be happy, and it won't look as sloppy as the section currently does. Thoughts?