Chello? Unless somebody decides to make a post (and yes, I see that you log in via the Members List), I think we should definitely just close this down. Not only will we never be able to keep up with the Advent of Halo Wars, but I really don't think anybody cares enough to put the quality information we would want on the site... On the site!
Also, Halo 3 is still (in my opinion) the best game EVAR! But it's pretty old now, and interest is definitely dwindling. So, can we give her an official obituary? Or does the spark of life still remain after like... a lot of deaths?
"Opportunity once forsaken is opportunity lost forever." -Major Caldwell
I don't know, but I think I'm done. Well, I guess I've been done for a while, but you get the idea. The demand definitely isn't in favor of us. I like the idea of the work we did do going to help UNSC Trooper's Halo Bible, which I tend to think of as our successor.
What do you say, Silva? Is it time to pass the baton?
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes
I plan on making a post this weekend. I simply do not retain the interest to continue working on the site (then again, I haven't done so for over two years if you look at it; none of us have).
Really it's gotten to the point where I look at it and see myself turning somewhat into CK. With the lack of interest I already have in the site, focusing on college and my current schooling doesn't help the situation. I mean.. I have one more year then I'm out of here. Damn. WTF?
Also just like CK, I've pledged to "come back", "revive the site", and "help out" many times, but in the end done nothing. I've been defensive about changing/moving the site as well, just as he was even though he played no real part in it.
And I'm not gonna lie, the following things played a huge role in me getting sidetracked:
- XBL/Halo 3/Grifball - School, both current and future
I guess since I didn't have Xbox Live from its creation all the way until about July 07, I used this website (and the many others I had worked on previously) as a gateway. I loved the game, as I do now. The only difference is the part of the game that I enjoy nowadays (multiplayer). This website was a way for me to release a lot of the excitement I had toward Halo into a creative element. Nowadays I just screw around in Halo and other games with friends. One could also attribute my lack of interest in the site to a personality change that I went through, but I'm not gonna lie, XBL is probably the biggest reason for what happened to the site.
As LR said, I've pretty much been done with the site for a while now. After the interview with Shockwave fell through, I pretty much just gave up I guess. Summer came, which meant more time to play Halo.
I'll elaborate on this post a bit in MY part of the farewell message (guessing you guys want to add some stuff as well). Just felt I needed to get some of that off my chest. I just wish there was some way to "end" the site, rather than just leave it as is.
Except for one particular thing (the Eric Nylund stuff), the UNSCDF has really only been a series of incomplete hopes/projects to me. Which makes me :(.
You know, Silva, I feel almost exactly the same way you do, and for almost exactly the same reasons. You literally took the words right out of my mouth... had my brain been able to assemble those words, that is :).
Also, I think we should reconcile with CK. Both of us were good friends of his in days long past, and now we know first-hand why he did what he did. Whaddayasay?
Off topic: Yes :)
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes
You know, Silva, I feel almost exactly the same way you do, and for almost exactly the same reasons. You literally took the words right out of my mouth... had my brain been able to assemble those words, that is :).
Also, I think we should reconcile with CK. Both of us were good friends of his in days long past, and now we know first-hand why he did what he did. Whaddayasay?
Off topic: Yes :)
Oh and I think I removed him like 2 weeks ago :P.
And yay for mic!
I actually think I removed you too Steve since we never played/you were offline for a while. Or maybe that was Grantix.
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