Submit any questions you may have for the site in it's opening week here in this thread. We only really need about 5 or so questions, but send as many as you want!
When are you going to get a new template?, because the one you've got the moment is getting old, really old.
When are you going to start creating promotional material for UNSCDF?, I mean if I were going to have a big opening after being closed for a long time I would get together some basic buttons, banners and spam messages for the return. So you could get many hits from the word 'go' when your site returns.
This question isn't that relevant but I want the answer to it. Where did Unrealchief go?, he just vanished when the Halo 2 Haven shut down.
Nice questions - the first two will probably make it into next week's WU (although you do know we already launched right? And were mentioned on 3 sites?). As for the UnrealChief thing, he just stopped emailing me. He gave me his gmail address to send stuff to him, but he never responded to anything. The last update I've seen from him was on his Flickr page - a new screenshot of a website with something about "for a friend". So...I don't know.