Well, Sony fans have constantly been touting Resistance: Fall of Man for quite some time now as being superior to Gears of War in graphics and gameplay. I'll try to remain unbiased here, as I am, truth be told, excited for this game (Resistance). Now, I won't be getting a PS3 for it (or probably ever), but I definitely WILL be playing it a few times when a PS3 kiosk opens up.
Onto the comparison. For one, it's pretty clear Resistance's story is a near carbon-copy of Gears. I mean, come on! The story for R:FoM is that these unknown creatures "came out of Russia"(?) to invade the world while the wordl was occupied by WWII (although it's a different Earth, some things remain the same). Sound familar? I mean, a group of monsters coming out and invading the planet while humans are at war? Sounds pretty much like the exact same thing Gears is. Now, truth be told, either could be copying off eachother (though Cliffy B has had the Gears story in his mind for years), but at the time of the original announcement of Resistance, which then was called I-8, Insomniac admitted they only had a basic idea for the story. Much has changed since then, and over a year later, they could've had plenty of time to see Gears of War, take some story ideas from it, and roll it into their "own" story.
If that's true, then I'm pissed. If it's not.. then Sony sure does a good job of creating their "own" story which just so happens to be the near exact same thing as the story for the "killer app of the 360" -- Gears of War.
All in all, I think the game will sell well. Although, FPSs using the Playstation controller are always horrible and quite hard to play. Pretty much it's just "find a target, put your reticule near it, and strafe, Strafe, STRAFE!". Thumbstick placement on the PS controllers is crap for FPSs.
Meh, I'm still skepticle about the quality of the game, but it sure looks good graphically (still no Killzone E3 05 video though).
The game also features unique "Hero moments". Take this screenshot here. That fellow soldier is getting choked to death by a Chimera. You can put him out of his misery, blow them both up with a grenade, or do as the character is doing and kill just the Chimera. This will make it so, if the soldier survives, he will follow you "to whatever end". Interesting concept, but I don't think it will really effect gameplay that badly.
Although this screenshot here is older (E3 06), the game hasn't changed that much graphically since then. You can still spot (even in the newer screenshots) the muddy graphics and low res textures as seen in this screenshot:
All for now, I don't want to clog this page with huge images! Also, excuse me for the un-uniform images. I had tried to make them shorten them in here, but they may appear to be all different sizes. Oh well.
If I ever do get a PS3, there are only two games that I truly want: Resistance and Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. And I don't think Resistance will even stand up to Gears in any category.
Graphics: The graphics are really good, but they're worse than most of the second generation 360 games.
Gameplay: It just looks like another run-of-the-mill "Halo Killer."
Fun Value: While blowing aliens is always fun, we need some diversity. These are near-identical to the Locust horde, and there isn't much of a system it seems.
Narrative: Again, it seems like a rip-off. But if Insomniac can manage to make a compelling universe, I'll buy it. I've got faith in them, but I just don't think they can do it this time.
I'll hold final judgement until the final game is released, but I'm having serious doubts at this time.
"Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly." - Langston Hughes