I found this at the top of your forums. By making that thing flash and saying that 'Under 18s' aren't allowed it is only natural that most of the people that click it will be under 18 years of age, is that the point of the ad? I wonder if it really is a stupid ad that leads to porn or maybe it is a sophisticated ad that leads to things that have a target audience of 'Under 18s'? What do you think? I didn't click the ad for fear of getting viruses but you could click it and tell me where it leads.
Yeah, sorry about those crappie ads. I've been working on removing them for sometime now and I hope that until they are removed that everyone has some measure of retainment in them as-to prevent them from clicking on them.
To be a great leader you must learn to take the shit of others and harden your soul with the wisdom of age, so that one day you can be the one that everyone turns to for help, support, and guidance.