Yep, it's true -- there's a newly redesigned UNSCDF up at it's old address. Take a gander, and tell us what you think.
Mercury came back, and in about two days whipped this up! I'm loving it, but I'd like to know what everyone else thinks! One of the best things about it is the NavBar problems are totally gone now -- the Nav area extends with the actual pages and submenus.
CK doesn't even know about this yet, so everyone please chime in!
i like the new layout, but i think the site images and borders were better on the last one, maybe try and mix the layout of this with the images of the old one?
Actually, the old site sported the older "Internet 1.0" look, which was real blocky. The new one has a more of an "Internet 2" look, I think. Oh, and how do you guys feel about having the navigation on the left? Not sure why Mercury changed it and put in on the right... but I'm pretty sure he can change it back.
I LOVE it compared to the old site. It's more colorful and I think it's more futuristic. I just need to get used to having the nav bar on the right-hand side.
I plan on talking to Mercury about moving the NAV-bar back to the left.
As for an update on the contest - We have just begun to read and rate the stories that were submited to us.
To be a great leader you must learn to take the shit of others and harden your soul with the wisdom of age, so that one day you can be the one that everyone turns to for help, support, and guidance.