Forum Game, Anyone?
1 2
Well, partly inspired by the Halo2Source.com forums and their relatively recent forum games, I'll start one here. Everyone posts 4 words that try to fit in with the previous person's four words, making a story, of sorts. I'll start:
The giant Grunt leapt
Major Silva
Off Topic Rules
Off Topic Discussion Rules
Due to the growing amount of spam and general chaos that seems to be sweeping through the Halo forum communities, We thought it necessary to draw up a few rules and guidelines here.
Remember: Off Topic Discuss...
Gears of War IS the Next Halo, in My Opinion :)!
The title may throw you off -- but let me explain. I've seen Gears in action, and it is going to be something amazing. I'm not too sure what it is about the game... but it just feels like Halo (albeit slower paced). Epic has really tried to make this game as similar to Halo as possible in...
Major Silva
im back!!!!!!!!!!!
it been a long time i talk to any one from the clan cant wait to go back to hjs
Making a Montage
Hey, everybody! I'm planning on making a Dualtage for me and my brother soon. I'm using an elgato TV Tuner to capture, and right now I have iMovie HD for effects and editing.
Will iMovie work, or do people know of some other, cooler free software?
I've heard Sony Vegas 8 has a free trial, but I'm runni...
Hello Maj Silva!
How are you? Can you let me know who will be attending The PG's Frag a Friend on the 28th? Thanks! How is everyone?
Like my sig???
I just messed around in PS for a while and came up with this sig below this post. Someone rate? kthxbai! ~UnrealCh13f
I need help
2 Questions:
1:why dose this forum seem dead?
2:where can i get a large well lit picture of ether a UNSC frigate or POA like ship?
Cancel?! What is wrong with you grantix?!!!
Heh, seems that Microsoft's rules have forever destoryed any chance of 20 Days in Hell existing as a machinima. So... watch out, cause once school starts (in a week) i'm going to be transfering the script into a fan fic... for your enjoyment. Just wait!
Grantix Techno
I have Xbox Live. Thought it would never happen, but it has. Gamertag: msmajorsilva (already setup via Xbox.com, so send a Friend Request whenever) This Saturday will be the day I finally get onto Xbox Live. Sure, it's far from the first time, but it will finally be a regular thing. Mine. No longe...
Major Silva
C&P from my similar post on Gearheadsofwar.com. An update on my escaping-teh-red-death endeavor for you: My 360's dead. The good news? It lasted almost a week. The bad news? I might be playing Halo 3 and Bioshock in October. FOR THE FIRST TIME. Which sucks. But that's beyond the point. The...
Major Silva
I got these in the mail yesterday :) they are full size replica's, weigh about 8 pounds each, and carry about 300 rounds in their magazines, semi and full auto. battery for the F2000 is in the stock, G-36 is in the barrel. 350 FPS :) -- Edited by Roland at 13:59, 2007-06-06 -- Edited by Roland at 14:00, 20...
SPEEDO-HO lies here
(Moderators- I am hosting a sort of ARG with my friends, so PLEASE do not delete this post)
You've made it this far, huh?
Here is the final clue.
Speedo-ho's identity can be found in a copy of one of the most prestigious fantasy books known to man. A trilogy.
Find his identity at (synonym) Bounda...
Yay! I'm On Bad Cyborg!
Check the links from the front page (link opens in new window). I'm mentioned in multiple places, multiple times. This is my first off-site piece to actually make it up - hopefully the giant HBO thing will come to fruition relatively soon. Doubt it, though. Until then, yay! i r privatesilva lol. ~...
Major Silva
Everyone's History
So... what other things Halo related has everyone done? Me, well I've done quite a lot. I was a concept artist for the First Contact mod of Half Life 2, which sadly went under. I was part of Zertuche's Halo Trading Card Game stuff. I've been working on 20 Days in Hell for about two years now. I've written a...
Grantix Techno
Forum Work
Ok, so this isn't really all that "off-topic", but the OT Forum has always been the most popular, and it's easy to see new posts on it being that it's near the top nowadays. I like our forum edit, in some ways. But agree, despite having all of our old posts back, it still needs work. LoneRange...
Major Silva
Apple / AT&T Television Ad Says iPhone "Coming June 29th"
Apple and AT&T advertised tonight on television that the iPhone will be available starting on June 29th, 2007. The advertisement demonstrates the various functions of the iPhone. While we have a Youtube video capture thanks to Aperture, Apple has now posted official full quality versions of...
I'm 3L1TE
Yep, I bought it. Well, not what you're thinking ($480? Kidding, right?). But I did buy some accessories to it. Let's just say that the somewhat grainy images below don't do this sexy-black controller the justice it deserves. It's really a thing of beauty, with some other more worthwhile improv...
Major Silva
Finally Got Xbox Live
Anybody up for some online play in... * Crackdown * Gears of War * Halo 2 * Lost Planet * G.R.A.W. * Splinter Cell D.A. * Rainbow Six Vegas So? I've got other games to play, it's just that I'd rather play co-op or head-to-head deathmatch. Please note: I don't have a headset. You'll j...
How To Kill A Brand aka The "PS3 Song"
I found this on the Podtacular forums and this just absolutly made my day! LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R98qC0fd_1w
New Computer
and camera! (Canon Powershot 7.1MP) 1.86ghz Core 2 Duo Processor 2x 160GB 7200RPM Hard Drives 16x DVD-R Drive 2GB Dual Channel DDR RAM NVidia GeForce 7900 (256mb , 256 bit) Video Card TV Capture Card Soundblaster 7.1 Surround Audio Card 600 Watt Power Supply w/83% Efficiency rating A bunch o...
New Members Gather 'Round The Campfire Here!
So, with the influx of new members to the forum, and lack of posts (it's that holidays people, give us a small break), I decided to attempt to create a new "Introduction" forum to help everyone get to know eachother better. Unfortunately, once logged in to CK's long-dead account I couldn't find...
Major Silva
A Newbie Topic..?
New members (such as myself) sometimes want a way to edge themselves into a forum community before going off and diving into other threads on a board. Usually, Intro or 'Newbie' topics are a good way for new members to introduce themselves and for them to suss out who the regulars are (i.e...
Particle Ghost
Gears of War Easter Egg: Gears Crunch!
Last Night while i was going through the last act, i found out a new easter egg of what seems to be Epic Games' Brand of Cereal called Gears Crunch!!! I uploaded a video on youtube and the description will have directions to how to get it...
Gears of War
Gosh, I just got the game today, and it's really pulling me in. The story is pretty good, the gameplay if cool, the only thing to complain about is the voice work, but I can get over that. I can't wait to get my hands on the book for it.
Grantix Techno
I Am Now Down To Your Xbox Level
Yes, sadly on Friday night during a campaign of Gears of War, my 360 flashed its death knell via the three red rings of death.
There were signs before it happened that night. For one, whenever I started up and played Gears, after only a bit the game would stop, freeze, and pixelate the image.&nb...
Major Silva
Xbox 360: King of the Market?
This is a list of games to look forward to next year. This was compiled completely of my own opinion, and there are some games we simply don't know about yet, so bear with me.
* Mass Effect
* BioShock
* Assassin’s Creed
* Medal of Honor Airborne
* Too Human
* Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Changing the Rules
OK, this is more of a novella than anything else. It's my first Halo fanfiction that's actually a Christmas present for somebody. This is Part 1, Part 2's coming soon. Enjoy. Oh yes, disclaimer.
Changing the Rules
A Halo Fanfiction
By Silver Phantom 2
December 26, 2551
Silver Phantom 2
I have been featured in Podtacular!!!
Yup, I am a "Round-Table" Guest host in episode 91 that just released today! In this episode, the hosts and i were talking about Halo PC/CE, and had a blast hosting!!! In my opinion, i think that it was the funniest episode ever (Not because of the fact that i guest hosted), becuase of a host's mom interup...
Sound mean enough?
I'll get a better video this weekend. Why I have a Mustang when you can have a TAURUS!??
What's Up With The Japenese and Kiosks For Their Consoles?
I mean seriously. I haven't seen, let alone played, one PS3 or Wii kiosk anywhere. Well, that's not 100% true -- just today I spyed a PS3 kiosk at the local Wal-Mart Supercenter... but it was only showing videos. Which is horrible compared to how Microsoft handled it last year.
Major Silva
GameSpot Members?
Do any of you fine folk visit the web site GameSpot? I'm just wondering because in the coming weeks I'll be forming an official UNSCDF union on there.
And to those members who happen to be staff here, I need four people who are over Level 5 to form it with. I just sent an E-mail to Major Silva about it.
More avatars! yay!
Today, out of boredom (and that I seen people do this in another forum) I made a few Halo War avatars. Use them if you want. Ill uploaded more I made/found if anyone is interested. 100X96 100X9...
Action Figures!
Hurray! My three new MC action figures came in today. I got the Series 8 Master Chief with the infection form, the Red and White MC (LE) and the Blue and White MC with the stationary turret (LE). I'm soo happy. This goes along with my Prophet of Truth, Tartarus, and Heretic Leader!
Grantix Techno
this or that?
Here's a fun game you might like. Answer with either of the choices and post two new choices. Bagel or Donut? Now the next person to post chooses the answer they like best and then post two more choices for the next poster. (hope that makes sense.)
ex: answer- "Bagel"
Battlestar Galactica
Who watches this show, anyone? Pretty interesting if you ask me -- season premiere was amazing how they meshed subjects like the Holocaust and suicide bombings into the show (not referencing, just basically acting them out -- hard to explain). Actually, ratings and numbers wise, it'...
Major Silva
I may be getting a Playstation 3!
Yes, for the past... well, two years, between the two consoles I've gotten in that time (Xbox, Xbox 360), buying the consoles has always been left up to me, and my money. Well, next month, that may very well change with the Playstation 3.
Now, I'm not getting the thing because I "wantz teh prete...
Major Silva
I shall return
I sent out my signing off thingy a few weeks ago, and I'm back again ( i managed to hijack a computer for a few hours). Anyways just an update, i'll be at marine officers training in South Carolina next summer, so I will be later than I thought in getting back (probably next august).
Next Gen Console Wars -- Who Will Win?
Being a Halo board.. I'm guessing most of you will say "Microsoft!!" on this one, but I'll post it anyway. I'll start off with posting a little info/impressions of the three companies:
Sony - Current industry leader, but one that has fallen on hard times for the past year and a ha...
Major Silva
Gears of War: Really the next Halo?
That's what Microsoft and Epic are hoping, but can it really happen? Can another shooter really become the killer app of the Xbox 360? I believe it will.
Both graphics and gameplay wise -- GoW blows all other competition out of the door. Look at any PS3 game currently in de...
Major Silva
The "Competition" For Gears of War
Well, Sony fans have constantly been touting Resistance: Fall of Man for quite some time now as being superior to Gears of War in graphics and gameplay. I'll try to remain unbiased here, as I am, truth be told, excited for this game (Resistance). Now, I won't be getting a PS3 for it (...
Major Silva
Look at this ad
I found this at the top of your forums. By making that thing flash and saying that 'Under 18s' aren't allowed it is only natural that most of the people that click it will be under 18 years of age, is that the point of the ad? I wonder if it really is a stupid ad that leads to porn o...
Hyp3r grunt
Splinter Cell 'Munitions/Equipment Location Guide
Not sure if there are many Splinter Cell Players out there but a while back I made two guides (of sorts) for a website know as Splinter Cell Headquarters.net and I just figured I would post my guides I made for them here as well. Know I know I left out 2 of the games and I may or may not finish the guides I starte...
The Library
I've talked with Major Silva a little about this via e-mail. I'm willing to transfer all my articles and screenshots from The Library to the UNSCDF page and even write down a few more articles of the events, places, weapons, people and such from the Halo Graphic Novel as well as Ghosts of Onyx when it rel...
Halo 3 Multiplayer page is up at HN
Over at Halo Nirvana I have got the 'Multiplayer' page up under the Halo 3 Menu. It has all the information on Halo 3 multiplayer from when Halo 3 was announced to now, it's creation involved a lot of looking through bungie.net's weekly updates. Go check it out.
Hyp3r grunt
Halo Nirvana is down, stupid x10hosting
I just want to say that Halo Nirvana is temporarily unavailable, try visiting and you will get 'This page cannot be displayed'. It's because of my host, x10hosting. This is just to tell people that because HN isn't showing up doesn't mean their computer is broken. It's the same for everyone, HN should...
Hyp3r grunt
Arcade is Addicting.. But I suck!
I used to have every high score on the arcade, before the forum/site launched... now look at me! I have only 3 high scores in all the games there.. and I don't see me gaining any ground in the near future. Maybe I can atleast hold my score on Air Fox, hopefully. But overall, man, you guy...
Major Silva
Signing off
tomorrow will be my last day with a computer, and last day on any site for at least the next 10 months. I will be leaving for germany in January and won't get back until May, so I'm selling my computer now to pay off some bills before I leave. I won't have any money when I get back either, so it could be July or Au...
Steve Irwin's Gone!
Just this morning, as I posted about the opening of the Contest, Steve Irwin got a stingray barb straight through his heart while filming a documentary. Sad day in that respect, and coincidental that it was put on the news right when the contest opened up.
We'll miss you and your crazy antics,...
Major Silva
This is quite scary
Today I did something new, I typed a random series of letters into the google search engine and then clicked 'I'm feeling lucky'. The result was one of the most curious things I have ever seen. It was a japanese daycare website, I found out that it was a daycare website after I translated it into en...
Hyp3r grunt